 If you have hypertension... You should not eat: - Don't eat salt. Do not add salt to food when cooking! You organism doesn't need salt!
- Don't drink alcohol! If you like to drink you should limit it (you can drink about 1 beer per day).
- You should stop smoking! It's fact that smoking leads to health diseases.
You should eat: - Vegetables
- Fruits
- Low-fat products
- Lean meat
- Fish
- Poultry
High the arterial tension is a reading of the arterial pressure of 140/90 mmHg or above. Both numbers are important. Almost 1 in 3 American adults has high arterial tension. Once high the arterial tension becomes, a course of the life lasts generally. The good news are that they can be treated and to be controlled. High the arterial tension is called the quiet assassin because it does not have generally any symptom. Some people can not discover it has it until she has hardship with her heart, brain, or kidneys. When high the arterial tension is not and it does not treat, it can cause: * The heart to obtain greater, than can lead to cardiac unemployment. * Small pumpings (aneurysms (AN-u-risms)) to the form in blood vessels. The common locations are the main artery of the heart (aorta); arteries in the brain, the legs, and the internal; and the artery that leads to bazo. * Blood vessels in the kidney to narrow, that can cause lack of the kidney. * The arteries through the body to "harden more quickly", specially those in the heart, brain, the kidneys, and the legs. This can cause an attack of the heart, a movement, a lack of the kidney, or amputation of the piece of the leg. * Blood vessels in the eyes to explode or to bleed, that can cause changes of the vision and can give rise to blindness. Which Is Arterial Pressure? The blood takes of the heart to all the parts of its body in the called containers the arteries. The arterial pressure is the force of the blood that it pushes against the walls of the arteries. Whenever the blows of the heart (near 60-70 by a minute in the rest), he pump outside blood in the arteries. Its arterial pressure is in his more stop when the blows of the heart, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure (of sis-TOL-ik). When the heart is in the rest, between the blows, its arterial pressure falls. This one is the diastolic pressure (of the give-to-Stol-ik-one-Stol-ik). The arterial pressure always occurs like these two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures. Both are important. They are written generally one on or before the other, as 120/80 mmHg (measured in millimeters of mercury, of a unit for the pressure that measures). When the two measures are written down, the systolic pressure is the number first or of the cover, and the diastolic pressure is the second or number of the bottom (for example, 120/80). If its arterial pressure is 120/80, you say that you are "120 on 80." Changes of the arterial pressure during the day. He is lowest as you to duper and one rises to me when you one rises. Also it can rise when you are excited, nervous, or assets. However, it stops most of his hours waking up, its arterial pressure remains the equal one rather much when you are still that she feels or who is stopped. That level must more be under 120/80 mmHg. When the level remains high, 140/90 mmHg or higher, you have high arterial tension. With high the arterial tension, the works of the heart more hardly, their arteries take I strike, and their occasions of a movement, of an attack of the heart, and problems of the kidney are greater. Which Is Normal Arterial Pressure? A reading of the arterial pressure underneath 120/80 mmHg is considered normal. In general, lower it is better. Nevertheless, the arterial tension loss very can sometimes be an restlessness subject and it is due to verify towards outside by a doctor. The doctors classify the arterial pressures underneath 140/90 mmHg like normal or of hypertension. * The normal arterial pressure is lower of 120/80 mmHg. * Hypertension is arterial pressure between 120 and 139 for the superior number, or between 80 and 89 for the inferior number. For example, the readings of the arterial pressure of 138/82, 128/89, or 130/86 are all in the range of prehypertension. If its arterial pressure is in the range of prehypertension, is more probable that you finish for above with high the arterial tension unless you take the action to prevent it. Which Is High arterial Tension? An arterial pressure of 140/90 mmHg or above considers high arterial tension. Both numbers are important. If or ambo numbers are generally high, you have high arterial tension. If they are treating to him for high the arterial tension and has repeated readings in normal range, you still have high arterial tension. There are two levels of high arterial tension: stage 1 and stage 2 (it see the letter down). Categories for the levels of the arterial pressure in adults (in mmHg, millimeters of systolic diastólica Normal stage 140-159 90-99 of stage 1 of high arterial tension 80-89 of the category (superior number) (inferior number) less than 120 less than 80 Hypertensions 120-139 of mercury)a 2 160 or above 100 or one to more high one for adults 18 and older who are not in the medicine for high the arterial tension; they are not having a serious disease in the short term; and it does not have other conditions, such as disease of the diabetes and the kidney. Note: When the systolic and diastolic arterial pressures lower in diverse categories, the highest category is due to use to classify the level of the arterial pressure. For example, 160/80 mm Hg would be high arterial tension of stage 2. There is an exception to the aforesaid definition of high the arterial tension. An arterial pressure of 130/80 mm Hg or above considers high arterial tension in people with diabetes and chronic disease of the kidney.
The patients presenting hypertension should work with their doctors to lay down objectives of blood pressure based on various factors of risk. Programmes of drug and life style must be projected on an individual basis. The healthy changes of life style are imperative for no matter whom, and are critical for people with same the normal blood pressure (120/80 millimetre hectogramme) and in top. In the adapted patients, the aggressive treatment of drug of long-term hypertension can significantly reduce the incidence of the mental decline and death of the cardiac disorder and other physical effects serious of hypertension. In the people with diabetes, the blood pressure and the levels of control of glucose of blood prevent serious complications of this disease. Drugs of antihypertensif can even prevent the mental decline, including in the genetically likely people of the disease of Alzheimer. Nevertheless, only slightly half of surplus of the patients presenting hypertension are treated whole, and only one quarter in right proportion ordered the pressure. It is not clearly when drugs should be started, in particular for people with the prehypertension or soft hypertension. To help to make choices of treatment, the national heart of the United States, the lung, and the institute of blood created categories (indicated like groups A, B, and C) according to factors' of risk of a patient for the cardiac disorder. By applying these categories to severity of the assistances hypertension to determine if the life style only exchange or the drugs is necessary.
The bad habits to eat contribute significantly to the levels of hypertension unhealthy, even in the average age, when the levels of blood pressure go up typically as an element of the process of ageing. If the drug is prescribed, the need for making dietetic improvements (for example to follow a mode to low fat content healthy) is frequently with the top of the list of a doctor of recommendations to reduce or prevent the beginning of hypertension. Before describing the best type of mode for hypertension, let us throw a short glance with the causes, the symptoms and the consequences of health of the increased blood pressure. Effects of prevalence and health of hypertension In the developed countries, from the 15-30 percent approximately of all the adults suffer from persistent hypertension (also called hypertension). Hypertension puts a constraint on the heart and the arteries, damaging sensitive fabrics. It is a significant predictive factor for the cardiovascular disease as well as of the disorders of the kidneys and the eyes. The higher the blood pressure are, the more the risk of the athérosclérose (to block/hardening of the arteries) is large, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and race. Causes and symptoms of hypertension the blood pressure changes naturally with the physical activity. It rises during the exercise or the effort, and fall when we rest or slackened. Moreover, the blood pressure goes up with the age and the weight - obesity being common factor contributing. A person can also be genetically predisposed at the hypertensive levels of blood pressure. Hypertension does not cause usually apparent symptoms but it damages invisible arteries and bodies. Before these harmful effects become obvious, the irreversible damage occurred, perhaps even outcome with a heart attack mortal. This is why hypertension is called sometimes “the quiet killer”. Levels of blood pressure against Prehypertensive and hypertensive normal a healthy level of blood pressure for a young adult at rest, is 120 (systolic) more than 80 (diastolic) or less. The levels of blood pressure 120/80 larger than and below 140/90 are considered prehypertensive, whereas levels above 140/90 are considered hypertensive. According to directives' of the national institutes artificial heart-lung and blood (2003), the subjects prehypertensive and hypertensive should make changes of mode, exercise and life style to reduce or prevent the beginning of hypertension and to reduce the risk of cardiac disorder. The weight affects the blood pressure the maintenance of a healthy weight helps the blood pressure. The significant excessive weight is closely associated at the hypertensive levels of blood pressure. It is estimated it that people with obesity double their risk to develop the disorder. Moreover, roughly 7 out of 10 obese adults suffer from hypertension. The good news is that to lose even 10 books can produce apparent improvements. For a healthy plan to eat with hypotension and to reduce the weight, mode of hypertension of click The dietetic Council for hypertension If you suffer from the high blood pressure but do not be excessive weight, here some practical suggestions to improve your practices to eat and to reduce your blood pressure. To choose a healthy mode balanced In a word, the ideal plan to eat to reduce the blood pressure is rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy product with low fat content, whereas the bottom in saturated and of transport-greases. It should also be low out of cholesterol, high out of fibre, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and moderately high out of protein. The American association of heart and the government of the United States recommend the dietetic approaches to cease the mode of hypertension (INDENT) like a good guide of mode to reduce the blood pressure. To reduce your sodium catch (salt) To eat of too many salt or foods sodium-rich person leads to a greater catch of fluid and makes write a greater volume of blood the borders of the circulatory system. It also places the additional constraint on the small arteries (the blood vessels which dilate/tighten to regulate the blood pressure and the flow of blood). These two effects lead to hypertension. GDR for sodium for the majority of the people is magnesium 2.400. How to reduce the sodium catch In general, to eat food less précuite or treated, and fresher food. Sodium is found naturally in fresh foods like meats, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy product, but in quantity much lower than in food of package of foods (for example, setting or out of box out of bottle) treated. High sodium foods These foods typically have high sodium contents. Not to exceed GDR, avoid them completely, or choose varieties of low-sodium. * Sauces: The sauce of soya, sauce with beefsteak, sauce salad, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sauce with barbecue, ketchup, salt of garlic, mustard, salt of onion, senior salts like the lemon pepper, the cubes in bubble, the meat tenderizer, and glutamate monosodic (MSG). * Meats: Hogmaws, veins, and chitterlings, smoked or treated meats (containing sodium-nitrite) like bacon, Bologna, the hot-dogs, ham, the corned beef, the luncheon meatus, and sausage. * Soup: Regular soups out of box, instantaneous soups. * Salted snacks: Pieces of twisted, pieces of corn, groundnuts, pretzels, barks of pig. * Marinated food: Herrings, preserves with the vinegar, taste, olives, or sauerkraut. * Dairy: Majority of the diffusions and cheese cheeses. * Cereals: Regular to prepare to eat cold cereals, instantaneous hot cereals. * Very prepared: Fast rice of cook, instantaneous noodles, mixtures locked up in a box like rice, notched potatoes, macaronis and cheese, and of the dinners, meat pies of pot and the pizza pie frozen. * Greases: Butter, fatback, and salt pig. * Drinks: weld saccharin-seasoned, soda of club. To check the labels of food * To choose marked foods low-sodium, sodium, or without very low salt. (Note: If you were drug prescribed of hypertension like the diurétique one for hypertension, to ask for your council of doctor before employing products of salt replacement.) * Examiner the labels of food to ensure the words which indicate high sodium contents, including: glutamate monosodic (MSG), sodium benzoate, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite, sodium proprionate, phosphates disodic, and sulphates sodium. To lower the practices to eat sodium - not to add salt while making cook or by preparing meals. To make cook with more grass and spices. - Not to have salt on the table while eating. - If you eat treated/smoke the meats, passage to the fresh cold meats. - If you eat cereal of breakfast lends to be useful, to choose the varieties of low-sodium. - If you eat the tuna, the salmons, the sardines, or the mackerel put out of box in water, rinsing before eating. - If you eat soup, the switch with low-sodium or the fresh varieties. - If you make cook with full-cream milk or large, to commutate to 1 percent or skimmed buttermilk. - If you make cook with salt, passage to the juice of pepper, ginger and lemon for the seasoning.
For much, blood pressure not being treated effectively. During much of years the doctors concentrated on treating hypertension or hypertension by the test to lower the diastolic pressure. The diastolic pressure is the lower number in a reading of blood pressure. But maintaining in one of the greatest studies up to now, the researchers noted that the majority of the average age and individuals older with hypertension have a form of the disease in which the systolic pressure (the higher number) is too high. According to Nathan D. Wang Ph.D., director of the programme of prevention of cardiac disorder, the University of California, Irvine, “plus the systolic pressure are high, plus the risk of dead and incapacity of cardiac disorder is large.” Hypertension is defined as having a systolic blood pressure of 140mm hectogramme or higher (a higher number) and/or diastolic pressure (a number of 90mmHg or higher inferior for the majority of the people. When the systolic pressure is 140 millimetres hectogramme or higher, but the diastolic pressure remains below 90 millimetres hectogramme, the condition is known as a systolic hypertension of insulation. The study noted that the systolic hypertension of insulation is the dominant form of hypertension not controlled in the people above the age of 50. Among the participants of study, more than 80 percent of individuals in this category of age who have hypertension to have the not controlled systolic hypertension of insulation. Among those above the age of 60 the number is even higher. The doctors traditionally concentrated on treating hypertension by the test to lower the diastolic pressure to keep it to 90 or to drop slightly. Nathan Wong noted that many doctors are satisfied when the minimum goal of 140 systolic and 90 diastolic is reached. However, it feels that the minimum goal is not the optimal goal. “The optimal goal is pressure below 120 and diastolic systolic below 80.” In more this great study a poor level of conscience indicated, of treatment, and ordering of hypertension in all the groups of age. The study showed that that approximately 48 percent of individuals with hypertension are not treated for the condition, whereas 29 percent are insufficiently treated. Complications of hypertension hypertension is the principal cause of many diseases representing a danger to the life or neutralizing including/understanding, the race, the failure of kidney, and the heart attack. People who have the diabetes, particularly diabetes not controlled are a more inclined hypertension. To proportioned treatment of hypertension can reduce medical risks, to improve quality and the quantity of the life and to reduce total costs of care of health. An acute race and a following readjustment can stretch to the top of the thousands of dollars in medical costs. The emotive costs with the patient and liked those are also high. Treatments of hypertension * Médicament There are many very effective drugs available for doctors by treating hypertension. The doctor will supervise the work and the effects of blood to find the drug right or the good combination of the drugs. It is very important that the patients take drugs as prescribed by their doctor. To jump or forget amounts of these drugs can pose serious problems. * Mode the weight losing and to follow a mode to low fat content was shown with hypertension reduction in assistance. The mode of INDENT proved to be a very effective treatment to lower the blood pressure and to reduce the risk of cardiac disorder. * Exercise the exercise at the same time as the suitable mode can also be very effective in the treatment of hypertension. The exercise can help to reduce the effort and to increase efforts of loss of weight. To be sure to make check your blood pressure with each visit with your doctor and ask the results. If it is high or so only the higher number is high sure being to enquérir manners than you can help your blood pressure low.
In 90 to 95 percent of case of hypertension, the cause is unknown. In fact, you can have hypertension during years without the knowledge. This is why it is “the quiet killer” - it crawls upwards on you. When the cause is unknown, you have what is called essential or primary hypertension. The factors which can lead to hypertension in 5-10 remaining percent of cases, which are known as a secondary hypertension, include: - Anomaly of kidney
- A structural anomaly of the aorta (large blood vessel on the basis of the heart) existing since the birth
These problems can usually be corrected. For example, the doctors can repair a narrowed artery which provides blood to a kidney. The majority of these problems can be eliminated by a careful history, a physical examination and some tests. The special tests are sometimes necessary, but you should not usually remain in the hospital. How hypertension develop does? Your heart pumps blood by the arteries of the body. The large arteries which leave your cone of heart in smaller arteries called small arteries. The small arteries then fray in smaller ships called the capillaries, which provide the oxygen and of food to all bodies of your body. Blood returns then in your heart by the veins. Certain impulses of nerve make dilate your arteries (become larger) or contract (become smaller). If these ships large are opened, blood can cross easily. If they are narrow, it is more difficult than blood the cross-piece, and the pressure inside them of the increases. Then hypertension can occur. When this occurs, your heart becomes tended and the blood vessels can become damaged. Change in the ships which provide blood to your kidneys and the brain can cause these bodies to be affected. Your heart, brain and kidneys can handle the pressure increased for a long time. This is why you can not live during years without aucuns symptoms or bad effect. But that does not mean that it does not wound you. Hypertension is a factor of important risk for the race, the heart attack, the cardiac arrest and the failure of kidney. Complications of HBP That hypertension does make with your body? Hypertension is added to the workload of your heart and arteries. Your heart must pump harder, and the arteries carry the blood which moves under a greater pressure. If hypertension continues for a long time, your heart and arteries can not function as they would have. Other bodies of body can also be affected. There is greater risk of race, of congestive cardiac arrest, failure of kidney and heart attack. When hypertension exists with cholesterol of blood or the diabetes of obesity, of nicotinism, high, the risk of heart attack or race increases several times. What would you say hypotension? In some limit, more your reading of blood pressure is lower, the best. In the majority of the people, the blood pressure is not so low until it produces of the symptoms, such as the distraction or fainding. In certain states of the disease, it is possible so that the blood pressure is so low. The examples include: - Certain nerve or disorders endocrines
- Rest prolonged of bed
- Reductions in the volume of blood due to the serious bleeding (hemorrhage) or dehydration
The blood pressure less than 120/80 millimeter hectogramme is generally considered ideal. Levels higher than this increase your risk for the cardiovascular disease. If you have hypotension exceptionally, make it evaluate.